Sacred Smoke Cleansing - And how to do so ethically


Sage smudge crystals moon incense holder



Due to the accessibility of the internet and the ability to share more knowledge across the globe than ever, smoke cleansing practices (along with native spiritual customs in general) are experiencing a kind of renaissance. However, limitless information does not automatically bring instant wisdom, especially when we do not have the native voices of those teachings to guide us. Because of this, it is important to research and make sure you practice with awareness.

Smoke Cleansing and the burning of herbs in sacred ritual is a practice that has been recorded all over the world for centuries. Some of the earliest known records of this are from the ancient Vedas (1500BC)

It is important though, as with all indigenous practices to do so with respect and understanding. Of course there is 100% nothing wrong with waving burning bundles of herbs and grooving to a Stevie Knicks song as part of your own spiritual practice (yes i do this, and yes its great) but that doesn't mean that I can call it smudging or anything else relating to our global ancient heritage.

Of course I want to applaud and encourage anyone looking to expand themselves in a positive way and explore their own unique journey to magick, this is why we are here right, however when we take part in rituals handed down through the ages we become its guardians, a role that takes responsibility and honour. Its one thing to connect to the imagery, the lore and the practices of a specific spiritual path but it is entirely another to actually connect to its significance or to the philosophy that birthed it.

The best way to do this is to look into your ancestry, connecting in with your own history and then looking forward into your garden, your own plant kingdoms and see what is growing near and around you. You will find that there are many beautiful herbs or botanicals with potent magical properties that you can connect with, and when you listen closely you will realise they want to connect with you too.

Most of the plants around us have been here much longer than we have, so in a way they are our “Elders” each with their own gift and spirit. We may like to liken them to our own ancestors and think of them each with a personality, a message or a prayer that is just for us.

Connecting with them, asking for these messages, being open to the wisdom is much like looking through a time portal, a way to get to know our own ancestors and can help us to illuminate deep parts of our inner being.

When I look back into my own ancestry I relate to Celtic folk magic, and the practice of “SAINING”.

Saining is a ceremonial practice that you do not have to be initiated into. Anyone in any position is allowed to perform it. (Unlike “Smudging” which is a closed Indigenous Native American practice)

It not only includes the burning of herbs for cleansing ritual but they also harness all elementals. Fire ceremonies, holy water blessings, smoke baths and earthen rituals are all part of “saining”. This is where my spiritual practice beckons from, and why I incorporate the homage of the ELEMENTALS into my earth altars and cacao rituals as well.

When incorporating your intuitive guidance with ancestral wisdom, your smoke burning rituals will become a potent and powerful practice. You will know what feels right, what plants to use and when to harvest etc. Connecting in, receiving messages and forming an energetic exchange with the plants that you use is a far more beneficial, ethical and aligned ritual practice that connects you deeper tc nature - that around you and that which is within.

So with that I invite you to look around your own backyard, neighbourhood or green areas and see if there are any particular plants that seem to pop out to you. These little messages aren’t coincidence and may very well be the door to a beautiful remembering of ancient and primordial wisdom. 


With love, Nat x