Connecting to the Fire Element


Inner Spark / Energy / Action / Sensuality / Creativity / Illumination / Expression 


Fire is the element that represents energy and optimism and is considered the most powerful of the elements. Fire energy within us burns brightly with creation, passion, sexuality and action. It is the element most associated with ignitions of the soul and allows us to spring forth and awaken our purpose. Fire that surrounds us is the brilliant rays of the sun which awaken the Earth each day. It is life sustenance. Light, heat, lustre, energy, passion, drive, purpose and the power of transformation.

Connecting in to the element of fire can help us to ignite our passions, reawaken our souls purpose, spring us in to action, cultivate more sensual and sexual energy and allow us to harness a sense of direction.

Fire can burn with intensity, joy and anger.. offering both life giving light and heat or transmutation to burn away that which doesn’t serve.

If our inner flame begins to dim, we can remind ourselves of what makes us burn with passion, to reawaken the spark and refuel inner embers, allowing us to shine brightly again.

To Connect in with Fire 

  • Write something down on paper or a leaf and burn it to release
  • Gaze at a flame, candle or bonfire and feel its warmth move within you
  • Get creative, stoke your inner fires and burn a new offering
  • Bathe in the rays of the sun and play around with the light and shadows
  • Ecstatic dance to activate our inner spark, our FIRES and transmute any stagnant energy

When our inner fire is balanced we are more confident to share our light with the world and embody more zest and spark for life and those that surround us.