Connecting To The Air Element


Thoughts / Communication / Goals / Values / Power of Voice 


Within us, the Air element represents aspects of the mind, intellect, communication, and knowledge. Around us, Air energy flows through the sky and into our lungs, carrying the aspects of transmission. 

Our breath, our life force, is that which connects us to the earthly realms.. Without our breath, our air, our winds, we are disconnected from the living, it is literally the difference between life and death. The element of Air can be felt as soft and gentle, when it comes as a breeze, or gusty and forceful as a tornado. It can be present without much notice at all on a still day, yet still provide life giving energy. Air can be playful, gentle, soothing, cooling, calming and it can just as easily be extremely destructive, turbulent, and generate unpredictable power. Air can also carry vibrations of sound for our ears to hear, scents for our nose to smell, and temperatures of vast extremes for our body to feel. 


Connecting in with AIR can bring mental clarity, unlock your inner wisdom, attune yourself to higher guidance and open many doors to your inner realms, your inner sanctum. It is where we observe, breathe, focus and then decide. 

Beautiful ways to do this are to sit in stillness outside, notice the AIR on your skin and feel appreciation for the powerful Wind you carry inside yourself. 

You can practice BREATHING techniques or give oxygen to your cells by adding more movement to your body.

Breathe the fresh air and tune in to the sound frequencies that are moving around you. Singing is also a beautiful way to clear any stagnancy around your throat chakra which is the energetic centre that governs your communication.

You can start in the shower or just with a simple ‘Om’, which is said to be the primordial sound of all creation.

May you harness the AIR element in all aspects necessary to your path and may the power of your voice be used to give breath to your purpose and passions, to lift others up and fertilise each others goodness.