Connecting to the Earth Element


our support / stability / where we ground / heal / regenerate / build 


Reconnecting to the Earth element is about stripping things back, getting into alignment, simplifying life back to our natural rhythms, letting go, moving out of our heads and returning to our bodies - our physical vessel. Like us, everything in nature is made up of vibrational frequency, Mother Earth is an electromagnetic being and so are we. We are made up of the same stuff and when we connect with nature our energetic frequency begins to oscillate to the same frequency as the Earth. We slow down, attune to her heartbeat, her breath and she holds us.

Without the Earth, we would have no sense of foundation or stability. There would be too much “Vata” and we would be lost in the aether. The element of Earth represents our human body. We ARE Mother Earth. We are not seperate from her while we are human beings. We are a part of nature not apart from nature. 

Connecting in to the EARTH element means to feel grounded, centred, stable, rooted and solid.

Going for a barefoot stroll in nature is a beautiful way to connect you with the Earth element and help you to feel more ‘grounded’. Immersing yourself in nature is a form of therapy and can be deeply restorative for the nervous system.

The practice of “earthing” is an amazing way to connect in with Mother Earth and can dissolve any feelings of separation from her and therefore ourselves. 

While outside and shoeless, feel your energetic roots sink into the Earth, through your feet (if standing) or base chakra (if seated). Breathe in the green that you can see and bring it up through the soles of your feet; feel this Earth energy filling your cells and nourishing every inch of you. Direct your awareness into your feet. Our feet are covered with thousands of nerve endings, when our bare feet are placed on Earth Mother, energy comes up into the body, up through the chakra system and is shared to every cell in our body. This is why it is so important to reconnect the soles of our bare feet to the Earth.

Thank the Earth and all that she means in your life. Take time to be grateful for the opportunity to experience being a human being.  Offer thanks for your physical body and the great and abundant gifts it constantly gives, the seen and unseen.