Custom Intuitive Bundles

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A Bundle Designed Just For You 

Custom blends and intuitive smoke bundles are created to provide medicine and support for your personal journey. 

Herbs and botanicals are intuitively chosen to work with your souls energy. 

After a meditation, we connect in to your energy/celestial beings for guidance around your bundle and intuitively craft it specifically for you. 

The bundle is blessed at the end of creation with beautiful reiki energy and set with a moon powered clear quarts to amplify the magic.

Once you place your order, Nat will contact you via email to discuss the creation of your bundle.

The sacred ritual of burning herbs, spices, woods and botanicals in ceremony has been practiced for thousands of years all over the world.

When working with Earth Mother’s potent plant medicines and our own intuitive nature, we can shift stagnant energy, cleanse our self and spaces and bring a calming centred energy to our being.

All herbals and botanicals have been grown, gathered or ethically sourced.

We ensure the spirit of these offerings are respected through communing and connecting in with them, so that they can operate at their highest frequency in your space. This means that when these offerings arrive to you they are charged and as activated as they possibly can be, ready to be infused with your own magic.